
夜 診/17:00~19:00(受付15:00 ~ 19:00)





経済産業省 課題解決型医療機器開発助成事業「急速輸液装置開発事業」

  1. Taketomi T, Szlam F, Levy JH, Tanaka KA, Thromboelastography (TEG) is useful in the evaluation of clot stability after warfarin reversal, , Publication Date: 10/13/2007
  2. Taketomi T, Szlam F, Levy JH, Tanaka KA, Thromboelastography (TEG) is useful in the evaluation of clot stability after warfarin reversal, , Publication Date: 10/13/2007
  3. Szlam F, Taketomi T, Sheppard C, Kempton C, Levy JH, Tanaka KA, Hemostatic response to recombinant factor VII in the presence of antithrombin deficiency, International Society of thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2007 >
  4. Taketomi T, Szlam F, Levy JH, Tanaka KA, Thrombin Time with Thromboelastography is Useful for Evaluation of Anticoagulant Effects of Direct and Indirect Thrombin Inhibitors, International Anesthesia Research Society 2007, Publication Date: 3/24/2007
  5. Taketomi T, Szlam F, Tanaka KA, Levy JH, Potentiation of Fibrinolysis Induced by Recombinant Activated Factor VIIa, Annual meeting of American Society of Anesthesiologists 2006, Publication Date: 10/2006,
  6. Taketomi T, Piamsomboon C, Szlam F, Tanaka KA, Levy JH, Improved clot formation by combined administration of Fibrinogen and recombinant activated factor VII, Annual meeting of Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2006, Publication Date: 4/2006
  1. Taketomi T, Szlam F, Levy JH, Tanaka KA, Warfarin Reversal with Prothrombin Complex Concentrate (PCC) Confers Better Anti-fibrinolytic Activity Compared with Recombinant Activated Factor VII, Blood coagulation & fibrinolysis 19(1):106-8, Jan 2008
  2. Taketomi T, Szlam F, Vinten-Johansen J, Levy JH, Tanaka KA Thrombin-Activated Thromboelastography (TEG) for evaluation of thrombin Interaction with thrombin Inhibitors, Blood coagulation & fibrinolysis 18(8):761-7, Dec 2007
  3. Taketomi T, Szlam F, Bader S, Levy JH, Tanaka KA, Effects of recombinant activated factor VII on thrombin-mediated feedback activation of coagulation. Blood coagulation & fibrinolysis, 19(2):135-41 Mar 2008
  4. 武富太郎 訳、森田茂穂 監修 気道管理のエッセンシャル 克誠堂出版 2009 
  5. Szlam F, Taketomi T, Sheppard C, Kempton CL, Levy JH, Tanaka KA, Antithrombin Affects Hemostatic Response to Recombinant Activate Factor VII in Factor VIII Deficient Plasma, Anesthesia and Analgesia, 106(3):719-24March 2008
  6. Tanaka KA, Taketomi T, Szlam F, Levy JH, Improved clot formation by combined administration of activated factor VII (Novoseven®) and fibrinogen (Hemocomplettan®P), Anesthesia and Analgesia, 2008 Mar;106(3):732-8,
  7. Kawasaki J, Katori N, Taketomi T, Terui K, Tanaka KA, The Effects of Vasoactive Agents, Platelet Agonists and Anticoagulations on Thromboelastography, Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 51(9):1237-44 Oct 2007
  8. Tanaka KA, Szlam F, Sun HY, Taketomi T, Levy JH, Thrombin generation assay and viscoelastic coagulation monitors demonstrate differences in the mode of thrombin inhibition between unfractionated heparin and bivalirudin, Anesthesia & Analgesia, 2007 105(4):933-939
  9. Ide M, Bolliger D, Taketomi T, Tanaka KA, Lessons from the aprotinin saga:current perspective on antifibrinolytic therapy in cardiac surgery, 24(1):96-106 Feb 2010  
  10. 武富太郎、他、「肝移植のためのフィブリノーゲン補充体制の必要性」、日本輸血細胞治療学会誌 Vol. 58 (2012) No. 4 p. 555-556
  11. 武富太郎 日本の医療機器における開発起点の調査と情報粘着性からみた開発アーキテクチャ論 神戸大学経営学大学院 専門職学位論文 2013年
  12. Perez-Protto SE, Reynolds LF, Dalton JE, Taketomi T, Irefin SA, Parker BM, Quintini C, Sessler DI.Deceased donor hyperglycemia and liver graft dysfunction. Prog Transplant. 2014 Mar;24(1):106-12.
  13. 田中健一、武富太郎 心臓外科手術における止血治療~凝固因子濃縮製剤の投与意義 血液フロンティア Vol.27,No,8,2017 医薬ジャーナル社

経済産業省 課題解決型医療機器開発助成事業「急速輸液装置開発事業」

  1. Taketomi T, Szlam F, Levy JH, Tanaka KA, Thromboelastography (TEG) is useful in the evaluation of clot stability after warfarin reversal, , Publication Date: 10/13/2007
  2. Taketomi T, Szlam F, Levy JH, Tanaka KA, Thromboelastography (TEG) is useful in the evaluation of clot stability after warfarin reversal, , Publication Date: 10/13/2007
  3. Szlam F, Taketomi T, Sheppard C, Kempton C, Levy JH, Tanaka KA, Hemostatic response to recombinant factor VII in the presence of antithrombin deficiency, International Society of thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2007 >
  4. Taketomi T, Szlam F, Levy JH, Tanaka KA, Thrombin Time with Thromboelastography is Useful for Evaluation of Anticoagulant Effects of Direct and Indirect Thrombin Inhibitors, International Anesthesia Research Society 2007, Publication Date: 3/24/2007
  5. Taketomi T, Szlam F, Tanaka KA, Levy JH, Potentiation of Fibrinolysis Induced by Recombinant Activated Factor VIIa, Annual meeting of American Society of Anesthesiologists 2006, Publication Date: 10/2006,
  6. Taketomi T, Piamsomboon C, Szlam F, Tanaka KA, Levy JH, Improved clot formation by combined administration of Fibrinogen and recombinant activated factor VII, Annual meeting of Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2006, Publication Date: 4/2006
  1. Taketomi T, Szlam F, Levy JH, Tanaka KA, Warfarin Reversal with Prothrombin Complex Concentrate (PCC) Confers Better Anti-fibrinolytic Activity Compared with Recombinant Activated Factor VII, Blood coagulation & fibrinolysis 19(1):106-8, Jan 2008
  2. Taketomi T, Szlam F, Vinten-Johansen J, Levy JH, Tanaka KA Thrombin-Activated Thromboelastography (TEG) for evaluation of thrombin Interaction with thrombin Inhibitors, Blood coagulation & fibrinolysis 18(8):761-7, Dec 2007
  3. Taketomi T, Szlam F, Bader S, Levy JH, Tanaka KA, Effects of recombinant activated factor VII on thrombin-mediated feedback activation of coagulation. Blood coagulation & fibrinolysis, 19(2):135-41 Mar 2008
  4. 武富太郎 訳、森田茂穂 監修 気道管理のエッセンシャル 克誠堂出版 2009 
  5. Szlam F, Taketomi T, Sheppard C, Kempton CL, Levy JH, Tanaka KA, Antithrombin Affects Hemostatic Response to Recombinant Activate Factor VII in Factor VIII Deficient Plasma, Anesthesia and Analgesia, 106(3):719-24March 2008
  6. Tanaka KA, Taketomi T, Szlam F, Levy JH, Improved clot formation by combined administration of activated factor VII (Novoseven®) and fibrinogen (Hemocomplettan®P), Anesthesia and Analgesia, 2008 Mar;106(3):732-8,
  7. Kawasaki J, Katori N, Taketomi T, Terui K, Tanaka KA, The Effects of Vasoactive Agents, Platelet Agonists and Anticoagulations on Thromboelastography, Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 51(9):1237-44 Oct 2007
  8. Tanaka KA, Szlam F, Sun HY, Taketomi T, Levy JH, Thrombin generation assay and viscoelastic coagulation monitors demonstrate differences in the mode of thrombin inhibition between unfractionated heparin and bivalirudin, Anesthesia & Analgesia, 2007 105(4):933-939
  9. Ide M, Bolliger D, Taketomi T, Tanaka KA, Lessons from the aprotinin saga:current perspective on antifibrinolytic therapy in cardiac surgery, 24(1):96-106 Feb 2010  
  10. 武富太郎、他、「肝移植のためのフィブリノーゲン補充体制の必要性」、日本輸血細胞治療学会誌 Vol. 58 (2012) No. 4 p. 555-556
  11. 武富太郎 日本の医療機器における開発起点の調査と情報粘着性からみた開発アーキテクチャ論 神戸大学経営学大学院 専門職学位論文 2013年
  12. Perez-Protto SE, Reynolds LF, Dalton JE, Taketomi T, Irefin SA, Parker BM, Quintini C, Sessler DI.Deceased donor hyperglycemia and liver graft dysfunction. Prog Transplant. 2014 Mar;24(1):106-12.
  13. 田中健一、武富太郎 心臓外科手術における止血治療~凝固因子濃縮製剤の投与意義 血液フロンティア Vol.27,No,8,2017 医薬ジャーナル社
徳洲会 国際心臓血管セミナー in 葉山

〒574-0074 大阪府大東市谷川2丁目10番50号




徳洲会 国際心臓血管セミナー in 葉山


〒574-0074 大阪府大東市谷川2丁目10番50号


